g Men Are Jerks: iComplete
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Malaysian boy stuck in Shanghai.

Tuesday, September 13, 2005




Blogger Will said...

OMG I'm like so JELES.


I demand to see it tmw.

9:56 pm

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't usually post comments.
I'll make an exception this time.






1:17 am

Anonymous Anonymous said...


7:50 am

Blogger AJ said...

*i hate you*

not for being beautiful

not for being fabulous

not for being sexy even!

~HMPH~ is a 4 letter word....

and so is ENVY

9:33 am

Blogger Francis Ford Faggola said...

Hi Duff, tis the first time I'm commenting here although I have been reading your blog for awhile...

I'm going to jump on the bandwagon along with everyone else and say that I'm also jealous! Mine isn't as cool or as compact as yours! Dammit...

10:14 am

Blogger Dildos said...


2:08 pm

Blogger savante said...

You rich man. I jealous.

You have sexy body and now you have this. Life unfair! :)


10:35 pm

Anonymous Anonymous said...

ohmegod, you are indeed the complete homo package now. Keep prancing, sayang !

11:54 pm

Blogger Duff! said...

Dear all, I hate me too... for being so fabulous. Muahahahaha

8:31 am

Blogger AJ said...

I still hate you.....
:oP Just tot you should know today as well!

8:51 am

Anonymous Anonymous said...


Is that THE iPod nano, the iPod of the moment?

Once again, I so hate you!!!

p/s which version did you get btw? the 2GB or the 4GB? Must get this as well (altho already have an mp3 player but I don't care, I want it!)

9:00 am

Anonymous Anonymous said...

aiya!!! I so like the Nano!! It made in China (technol from Sanfran!) it slim like furong and furong like all slim (but my neh neh is big aiya!!!) hihihi

2:35 pm

Blogger loopy said...

i heard it scratches easily? any truth in that?

i can accept scratches on the body but scratches on the lcd will eventually render it unusable.

ur verdict?

2:56 am

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8:11 am


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