g Men Are Jerks: Bush rules!
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Malaysian boy stuck in Shanghai.

Sunday, October 09, 2005

Bush rules!

Another dick seen. Still full bush. Traumatised.


Blogger AJ said...

you need to make cute little notes & buy those cheap scissors the next time you go shopping. Hand them out generously. Singapore (and every one else) will thank you.

8:50 pm

Blogger Kenji said...

Lol i have no comment... however did you manage to see so many!? O.o

3:42 am

Blogger q said...

how come my s'porean date is clean shaven ?

7:21 am

Anonymous Anonymous said...

you are one funny guy... does a full bush makes a difference?

8:26 am

Anonymous Anonymous said...

u mean boys in MY are all clean shaven.....gross!!!!

10:14 am

Blogger Dildos said...

roll eyes.

hmmm... stirring a hornet's nest, are we?

1:09 pm

Blogger AJ said...

G and stir the hornets nest! the damn hornets will get stuck in all the bushes anyways.


3:17 pm

Blogger Will said...

Now now now. There's plenty of Malaysian guys who have full bushes. God knows how they get laid, though.

But why not trim? It's kinda sexy and makes your dick look bigger?

12:37 am

Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey where have you been,there must have been 2 scenes in K.L. as none of the boys that i have met so far has theirs trimed..
can get prickly u know
nice meh?

8:45 am

Blogger QUIK! said...

G-sus cries!

9:47 am

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Will baby you are totally gross!
ware's Duff?

12:54 pm

Blogger Me said...


Come back to KL! Hah.

4:49 pm

Blogger Duff! said...

Okay guys. I think full bush or not... it's really a personal preference. I personally prefer a nicely trimmed and tidy pube. And so far I must have been lucky... lol...

10:10 pm

Anonymous Anonymous said...

i must say i am so naive to think all guys have full bushe..s. How wrong i am as i cannot even imagine that any one would want to trim theirs. PERSONALLY, a natural one is more sexy.

so there!!

8:32 am

Blogger QUIK! said...

G-sus cries!

9:06 am

Blogger Dildos said...

er...excuse me guys and gals... have we all forsaken the big tree for the not so important bushes?


9:40 am

Anonymous Anonymous said...

now that's what we in SG have always said...it's the Stick that really matters.
imagine a full bush wz a nine inch..


10:15 am

Blogger AJ said...

Yawn... as most people, especially americans will agree, Bushes are nasty. Especially after what happened at New Orleans. But like always, its just an oppinion. you can have your bush and eat it if you want (with all the crap that gets stucks in it...) :oP

11:04 am

Blogger QUIK! said...

Down with BUSH!

4:00 pm

Blogger Duff! said...

ok ok... how does that barney's song go again? I love u, u love me, we are happy family? honestly i think malaysians and singaporeans are so similar that we can hardly tell who is what. so those full bushes that i have seen could be malaysians in exile.

and as i said. bush or not, it's a personal preference. and AJ, the american has voted. Bush is in, for at least another 4 years. lol

and... i have yet to see any 9 inches here... lol

10:09 pm

Blogger QUIK! said...

Aiya, it doesn't matter la, but Bush can be messy all the time, and I think Kerry is ugly. Wait...both of them ARE FUGLY la!!

10:12 pm


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