g Men Are Jerks: Chronicles of a Drama Queen
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Malaysian boy stuck in Shanghai.

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Chronicles of a Drama Queen

In less than 2 months' time. Maryann Duff is turning 27. Officially stepping into the "late twenties" category. Of course it is not as traumatising as getting the BIG 3, but scary enough.

Part I of Chronicles of a Drama Queen ("CDQ") is almost complete. The story started off exciting I must say... but as years go by, Maryann realises that things and people are a lot more complicated than she would imagine or like it to be. It's a cruel world out there and Maryann is jaded, but mostly scared. Scared of being alone, scared of getting involved, scared of getting isolated, scared of getting hurt, scared of missing out on fun, scared of being termed a slut, scared of not finding "the one", scared of failing. In Maryann's earlier years, she is young, innocent and (arguably) pretty. Stepping in her late twenties, she is older, for sure, but not necessarily wiser.

What is about to happen, which will be recorded in Part II of CDQ, is strangely exciting... It's going to be tough, challenging and could turn to be a disaster. There will be more men that will come in, go out of her life. There will be times when Maryann will be hurt, engage in tiresome mind games, and lots of meaningless sex.

Life is an ordeal itself.


Blogger Jay said...

You'll actually find that things don't feel all that much different. You still look the same, talk the same, act the same. Things that are important to you will still - more or less - be important to you and things that you hate, you'll still hate. For all intents and purposes, being in your late twenties (and beyond) feels a lot like being in your mid-twenties.

That is, of course, until you set foot into Liquid and you're immediately lost in a crowd of skinny 18-year olds dancing on podiums.

9:01 am

Blogger asm@di said...

I turned 27 last week.

I feel so old!

Thankfully being a fellow drama queen myself (we so need to form a club!), I can always claim I'm 24. From now on I will always be 24. when I reach the big three-oh, then im going to be 25.

11:07 am

Blogger Will said...

LOL Liquid now checks ID hunny! No more skinny 18 yr olds!

Don't worry hunnys...we'll all be fabulous until the bitter, wheelchair-using end.

12:49 pm

Blogger Duff! said...

Jay: I can already see wrinkles on my face. Luckily I am not competing with the skinny 18 for attention. I really hope that things will remain the same...

Asmadi: I still have people coming up to ask if I am still in college. But then again, there are mature students in colleges too right?!? I refuse to grow old!

Princess: As I always say, you will live a lot longer and happier than me. You can inherit my wheelchair when I die. I am much older. Plus, no one checks my ID these days. damn those guys who try to pick me up by saying: "Hey, which college are you in?"

4:33 pm


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